10You can obtain aroma qualifications. French medical aroma and British aroma. Up to pet aroma. Operates a sister store "Japanese essential oil specialty store Kakaguwa". It is an aroma school where you can work as a staff member even after learning.


NARD Aroma Advisor Course Scent Lesson

In Lesson 6 of the NARD Aroma Advisor Course, you can learn about perfumes and experience perfumery. Accord exercises. Using a total of 90 drops of essential oil, two kinds of essential oils are blended by changing the number of drops and ratios so that you can experience the aroma. This is called the step method. What kind of scent did you feel? How to feel the scent after a while. I'm asking for homework. Students have such extravagant lessons. He was pleased. I also smelled the frozen rose damaskena taken from the farm training. Today, I had a lesson specializing in fragrance. 【Inquiries】From the Fleur Reel homepage, from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook messages, #olfactory response analyst #入門講座 #nerdbasic #zoom course #嗅覚反応分析 #嗅覚 #nard #autonomic nervous system #芳香分子 #NARD #NARD advisor course #Tokyo #suginami-ku #ogikubo #amanuma #aromaschool #medical aroma #アロマテラピー #Church Street #Church Street Shopping Street #Prepare Your Mind #体整える #ホルモンバランス #Dietary Advice#Athlete Planning LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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6~8 Month Lesson & Treatment Schedule Information

We have received inquiries about lesson schedules, so we will guide you all at once. 募集中マーク 【6月スケジュール】 *6/23(tree)Introductory Lecture Review Tea Ceremony(Fleurille students only)・アロマトリートメントご予約済 *24(gold)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座 *25(soil)アロマトリートメント予約済 *26(day)休日 *27(moon)Watts(Underwater Therapy)イベント参加 *28~29(Thu Fri)研修 *30(tree)ナードアドバイザー講座、研修 【7月スケジュール】 *7/1(gold)オープンスクール 参加者募集!締切り前日 *2(soil)NARD Basic Course House Care Course 1 Day Complete(For Instructors) 参加者1名募集!締切り6/30 *3~4(sun and moon)休業日 *5(fire)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座 *6(water)Olfactory Response Analyst Basic Course(Day 1) 受講生募集!締切り6/30 *7(tree)JAAアロマコーディネーター講座 *8(gold)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座 *9(soil)アロマトリートメント予約済 *10~11(sun and moon)休業日 *12(fire)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座 *13(water)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座、アロマトリートメント予約済 *14(tree)ナードアドバイザー講座   ナードベーシック講座(For Instructors) クリーンスプレー 参加者募集!締切り7/1 * *15(gold)Olfactory Response Analyst Introductory CourseReview Tea Ceremony(Fleurille students only) *16~18(Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays)休業日 *19(fire)JAAアロマコーディネーター講座、アロマトリートメント予約済 *20(water)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座、アロマトリートメント予約済 *21(tree)オープンスクール 参加者募集!締切り前日 【香kaguwa 営業日】 22日(gold)~24 days(day):◆香kaguwa営業日◆ 取扱商品:yuica・一十八日・KENSO・飛騨産業・島香房 冷感マスクスプレー・冷感シャツスプレー・紫蘇精油・和薄荷精油など ・アロマクラフト¥550(Tax) ・ Olfactory response analysis check 45 minutes ¥ 3,850(Tax) *25~26(Mon & Tue)休業日 *27(water)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座      ナードベーシック講座 痛み緩和ジェル・ストレスケアバスオイル 受講生募集!締切り7/20 *28(tree)研修 *29(gold)アロマトリートメント予約済 *30(soil)アロマトリートメント予約済 *31~8/1(sun and moon)休業日 【8月スケジュール】 *8/2(moon)JAAアロマコーディネーター講座 *3(water)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座 *4(tree)Nerd Advisor Course, Olfactory Response Analyst Basic Course Review Tea Ceremony(Fleurille students only) *5~7(Friday, Saturday and Sunday)香kaguwa営業日 *8~9(Mon & Tue)休業日 *10~16(Wed~Tue)夏季休業 *17(water)嗅覚反応分析士基礎講座 *20(soil)アロマトリートメント予約済 *25(tree)アロマトリートメント予約済 *31(water)Open School Call for Participants! Until the day before the deadline [...]

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The first step in self-care Aromacraft courses are popular.

【NARD JAPAN Association Basic Course】 There is no exam due to the solid learning of Nard Japan. There are many courses where you can learn a lot of aroma craft. In Flue Reel, it is divided into two main courses. * For those who have completed the nerd advisor course: Contents for becoming a lecturer of the basic course * For aromatherapy beginners: For those who do not want to take the exam but want to learn firmly The other day, it was a course for instructors. The bath relax course also makes shampoo, bath oil, soap, etc. I also love making aroma crafts, so just looking at the people who are making them makes me happy. In the course, I have failed so far. Be careful. For instructors, the point of the course. And so on. 【Inquiries】 From the Flu Reel homepage, from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook message #嗅覚反応分析士 #入門講座 #ナードベーシック講座 #zoom講座 #嗅覚反応分析 #嗅覚 #nardjapan #自律神経 #芳香分子 #NARD #NARDアドバイザー講座 #東京 #Suginami-ku#Ogikubo #Amanuma #アロマスクール #メディカルアロマ #アロマテラピー #ChurchStreet#ChurchStreetStreetShopping Street #心整える #体整える #ホルモンバランス #食事アドバイス #アスリートプランニング LanguageThis page was automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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Guide to pet self-care therapist course

* Today is the last day of application. *All 6 hours can be taken in one day. ◆June 9(tree)10:00~17:15 (Lunch break available)◆Medical aromatherapy of the Japan Medical Aromatherapy Association is not only aromatherapy with the healing effect of "fragrance", but aromatherapy as a "treatment method" used as medicine in France. This qualification is administered by the Association of Veterinary Clinical Medicines. We have been involved in a lot of aroma clinical treatment for animals, and only those that have obtained results are incorporated into the content of the course. You can learn aroma craft recipes that can be used not only for pets but also for humans. Available from pet aroma beginners.(Dogs, cats, etc.)・ Those who want to heal their pets * After taking this course, it is not a content that you can do instructor activities. All courses... About 6 o'clock time(Complete day)・ All courses 360 minutes test substitute / After passing a simple test, a certified diploma will be issued. ・All courses... Tuition fee, craft material fee, exam, textbook fee, certification diploma fee, our school's original "Pet Self-Care Therapist Medical Aroma Encyclopedia" * Please refrain from bringing pets. 【Lesson content】Please see the details on the Fleureel website. https://medical-aroma.biz/73138/資格一覧/●ペットアロマ講座/ Ultimate Beauty Gel & Lotion(for sensitive skin)・Latex(for sensitive skin)・ Dry skin cream, lavender gel, gel for removing age spots, diet / gel for cellulite / menopause gel / hair growth lotion / aging odor water / cold gel / immunity promotion / toothache & periodontitis clove oil / sensitivity to cold & swelling / stiff shoulders and back pain / arthritis / hay fever(Nose Care)・Hay fever / immune regulation / skin disease(Lavender Spica Gel, Pyoderma, Pyoderma, Pyoderma Gel, Pyoderma Mild Water)Infection caused by parasites, otitis externa, mild otitis externa, periodontitis, mild gingivitis, infection, immunity-promoting gel, arthritis / pain medication, kidney/liver disease, heart failure, epilepsy, separation anxiety【Application / Inquiry】https://forms.gle/q4oTfdhZRMyYNWfn9【Course Purchase】You can purchase it at the web ticket on the Kakaguwa website. https://ticket.tsuku2.jp/eventsDetail.php?ecd=71172223110802 or contact the fleureel homepage, Instagram message [Application deadline] June 2(tree)#Pet Aroma #Pet Self-Care Therapist#Medical Aromatherapy #Pet Self-Care#Aroma School#Aroma Qualification#Tokyo #Suginami-ku #Ogikubo #Amanuma#Church Street#Ecole de Fleurie Aromatherapy Tokyo LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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