10You can obtain aroma qualifications. French medical aroma and British aroma. Up to pet aroma. Operates a sister store "Japanese essential oil specialty store Kakaguwa". It is an aroma school where you can work as a staff member even after learning.


Aroma Craft at Freedom(Make the craft you want), steam distillation(Please bring herbs such as your garden)、
School experience, questions about aroma, consultation, purchase of essential oils, aroma goods, etc.

◆1st of every month 10:30~16:30 (12:30~13:30break)
* Except Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, Mondays, and Kaguwa business days

【6〜9Monthly Schedule】
*6/1() *7/1(Gold) *Closed in August *9/1(tree)

*Application form
* From homepage inquiry, Instagram message, Facebook message

#Olfactory Reaction Analyst #オープンスクール
#School Start Date
#Aromatherapy #嗅覚
#Olfactory Reaction Analysis #ホメオスタシス
#Olfactory reaction analysis check #アロマテラピー
#Introductory Course #アロマスクール
#Aroma Class #癒したい
#Medical Aroma
#They smell a scent
#Mental Health # Examinees
#Junior High School Entrance Exam # High School Entrance Exam # University Entrance Exam
#Aroma Blend #ブレンドする
#Nard #ナードベーシック
#Homeostasis #東京
#Nard Aromatherapy #杉並区
#Ogikubo Station #荻窪 #天沼
#Church Street #荻窪駅北口
#Ecole du Fleurie Aromatherapy Tokyo