10You can obtain aroma qualifications. French medical aroma and British aroma. Up to pet aroma. Operates a sister store "Japanese essential oil specialty store Kakaguwa". It is an aroma school where you can work as a staff member even after learning.


For daily physical condition management.
Various health methods by the reaction of the sense of smell(Essential oils, diet, exercise, etc.)choose the method that is right for you and prepare your body and mind
Why don't you learn "olfactory reaction analysis"?


The reaction of the instinct that is said to be gathering information of the whole body
Olfactory response analysis that can be graphed through the sense of smell
You can check what to choose while managing your diet and mood movements.
Olfactory reaction analysis is a patented tool.

And, the check of the olfactory reaction analysis is three minutes! Easy!

What to learn in the introductory course *****
★ learn knowledge beyond medical aromas.
[Olfactory reaction analysis is patented]
★ learn scanalso e-smell reaction analysis.
★ simple kit for olfactory reaction analysis will be included in the course as a set.
★ text includes a "essential oil communication book" and a "reverse dictionary that can select essential oils from pharmacological action".
You can safely check the aroma from the same point of view as a professional.

Fruit reel school student benefits*****
★ "Prepare Your Mind and Body" aroma craft creation in the introductory course on the first course
★ supplemental text on the full reel
★フルーリールオリジナル シンプルキットのチェックシートプレゼント
★ 10-20% discount on aroma products
★ courses are available after taking the course
★ a certificate of completion of the certificate in a stylish frame
★ as a 100%-1000000000000000000000000000000000000
★ a place to play an active role as a staff member of sister store "Kakawa"

①12日 ②19日 ③26日
* The desired schedule may be on other days. Please contact us. ※

【How to apply】
*Inquiry form from the homepage
* From Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Messages and DM

【Tuition Fee】テキスト代・材料代・郵送代込み

【Payment method】
Bank transfer, card payment

[Recommended for such a person]
Those who are ted to use it for their families
Child rearing, examination, meal management of kids athletes, nursing care, daily physical condition, symptom relief to be bothered, etc.
In addition, people from various industries are participating if they want to use it for work.
Sports trainer, nutritionist, cram school lecturer, esthetics, aroma treatment
Psychological counselors, pets, sales, medical care, acupuncture and moxibustion, chiropractic, etc.

Please consider.

#Aromatherapy #嗅覚
#Olfactory Reaction Analysis #ホメオスタシス
#Olfactory reaction analysis check #アロマテラピー
#Introductory Course #アロマスクール
#Aroma Class #癒したい
#Medical Aroma
#They smell a scent
#Mental Health # Examinees
#Junior High School Entrance Exam # High School Entrance Exam # University Entrance Exam
#Aroma Blend #ブレンドする
#Nard #ナードベーシック
#Homeostasis #東京
#Nard Aromatherapy #杉並区
#Ogikubo Station #荻窪 #天沼
#Church Street #荻窪駅北口
#Ecole du Fleurie Aromatherapy Tokyo