10You can obtain aroma qualifications. French medical aroma and British aroma. Up to pet aroma. Operates a sister store "Japanese essential oil specialty store Kakaguwa". It is an aroma school where you can work as a staff member even after learning.




【Course Schedule】



【You will learn such things】
* NARD JAPAN Association Basic Course Certificate is attached.
(If you are a nard advisor and want to be a basic course instructor, this is a necessary certificate.)
☆ You can learn aroma thoroughly and enjoy it with aroma craft.
☆ Understand the chemotype essential oil, which is a characteristic of French aroma, and be able to choose the essential oil.

【Flow and time schedule of the day】
☆What is aromatherapy?
☆What is essential oil?
☆What kind of essential oil should I choose?
☆What is chemotype essential oil?
☆ Essential oils can be used in the following ways.

【For the following people】
☆ Those who want to enjoy aroma but learn a little more thoroughly
☆ Those who want to experience aroma craft
☆ Those who want to learn aroma in earnest from now on, but want to experience what it is like
☆Those who are interested in NARD JAPAN Association
☆ Those who want to heal themselves and those around them

【Explanation of tuition fee】
90¥4,500 tax
[材料費・テキスト代 込み]

#アロマテラピー #ハンドトリートメント#痛み#痛み緩和#癒し#腰痛#生理痛#PTS
#頭痛#肩こり#腹痛#アロマテラピー#ひざの痛み #アロマスクール#アロマ教室 #癒したい#マッサージ
#オリジナルブレンドオイル#アロマクラフト#アロマブレンド #ブレンドする
#ナード #ナードベーシック#ベーシック講座 #東京#ナードアロマテラピー #杉並区
#荻窪駅 #荻窪 #天沼#教会通り #荻窪駅北口#エコールドゥフルーリールアロマテラピー東京