10You can obtain aroma qualifications. French medical aroma and British aroma. Up to pet aroma. Operates a sister store "Japanese essential oil specialty store Kakaguwa". It is an aroma school where you can work as a staff member even after learning.

2018Year January

1-20 care aromatherapy business trip lecture report

ヒューマンライフケア様のご依頼で新宿にて「介護アロマ出張講座」を開催しました。介護がテーマのアロマ講座でした。「認知予防アロマ講座」☆アロマテラピーとは☆アロマの身体、脳への働き☆アロマが認知予防になる根拠とは☆認知予防手作りアロマを作ろう!参加者25名男性の参加者も数名いらっしゃいました。沢山質問して下さり、ありがとうございました。精油の質問はお気軽に連絡下さい。ホームページ→問合せより、質問していただけたらと思います。講座終了後は、フルーリールにて資格講座をしてます。ハンドトリートメント資格講座のご紹介でブースを設けさせてもらいました。「ハンドトリートメント ワンコイン体験会」沢山の方々が講座終了後残って並んで下さり、ありがとうございました。Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。

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Pregnancy, lactation period featured organic herbal tea


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Prospective students to the best aroma

Thank you again this year The center examination has started, and the junior high and high school entrance examination is just before the actual performance. Is it possible as a parent to manage physical condition and control the mind for the actual performance? Aroma to prevent virus infection of cold and influenza, calm the mind, improve concentration, prepare for the test. It is! Get over the exam with medical aroma and logical aroma! KENSO "Aroma Fragrance Concentrate" ¥1,080(Tax) Rosemary cineol, peppermint and basil. When you want to improve your concentration by studying for the entrance exam or working! It activates tired heads by studying for entrance examinations, work, and meetings, and improves memory and concentration. Blend essential oil for fragrance. While studying, include one or two drops inside the defuser or handkerchief on the day of the exam. ★ Rosemary Cineol... Essential oils that help prevent colds and flu and relieve symptoms. The refreshing aroma is comfortable, calming your emotions and helping you strengthen your concentration, so it's also useful when you study or work. Among rosemary essential oils, it can be used easily without contraindications and attention. Rosemary cineol is a logical aroma and is the main component of oxides and monoterpene hydrocarbons. You can calm the anxiety on the day of the exam and be prepared to take the exam. It is recommended for children who do not usually have confidence in themselves and those who become nervous because of anxiety. ★ Peppermint... It has a great many effects and can be expected to have a wide range of effects. Neurotonic action, stomach action, anti-nausea action, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral action to clear the mood, it will change the mood. Peppermint is a logical aroma, monoterpene alcohols and ketones are the main ingredients. It relaxes the feeling of uneasiness and restlessness, and makes it a positive feeling. It is recommended for the child who thinks only the worst thing by uneasiness, does not settle down from just before the examination, and is not able to do as a ji. ※Attention)Peppermint essential oil is an infant, a pregnant woman, a nursing woman, and a patient with a weak nervous system(Old man)Do not use it for patients with epilepsy. ★ Basil... It is the perfect fragrance when you want to clear your head and concentrate. Autonomic regulation, antibacterial and antiviral action, digestion promoting action, stomachtric action Basil is a major component of phenol methyl ethers and monoterpene hydrocarbons, so I gain confidence in the feeling of being strained by anxiety before the test. It is recommended for children who are not confident and cannot feel positive. When you buy "recommended aroma for examination" with essential oils. I choose my mind as a guide somehow, such as essential oils that increase concentration or relaxing essential oils. More accurately, I would like to find the "recommended aroma for the examination" for myself! It is a logical aroma that can do it. I also counsel recommended aromas in my various situations. For more information, we sell third medicine check essential oils on the fruit reel. Please contact us on the Fruit reel homepage ⇒ Inquiry form. Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

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